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  4. . Luria, Higher Cortical Functions; idem, “Frontal Lobes” idem, Working Brain.
  5. . Geschwind, “Disconnection Syndromes.”
  6. . Luria, Higher Cortical Functions.
  7. . Geschwind, “Disconnection Syndromes.”
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  9. . R. W. Sperry, M. S. Gazzaniga, and J. E. Bogen, “Interhemispheric Relationships: The Neocortical Commisures; Syndromes of Hemisphere Disconnection,” in Handbook of Clinical Neurology, ed. P. J. Vinken and G. W. Bruyn, vol. 4 (Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Co., 1969); R. D. Nebes and R. W. Sperry, “Hemispheric Deconnection Syndrome with Cerebral Birth Injury in the Dominant Arm Area,” Neuropsychologia 9 (1971): 247– 59; M. S. Gazzaniga, The Bisected Brain (New York: Appleton Century Crofts, 1970); M. S. Gazzaniga and S. A. Hillyard, “Language and Speech Capacity of the Right Hemisphere,” Neuropsychologia 9 (1971): 273– 80; J. E. Bogen, “The Other Side of the Brain, 11: An Appositional Mind,” Bulletin of Los Angeles Neurologzcal Society 34 (1969): 135– 62; J. Levy‐Agresti and R. W. Sperry, “Differential Perceptual Capacities in Major and Minor Hemispheres,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 61 (1968): 1151; C. Trevarthen, “Brain Bisymmetry and the Role of the Corpus Callosum in Behavior and Conscious Experience,” presented at the International Colloquium on Interhemispheric Relations, Czechoslovakia, 10–13 June 1969.
  10. . Luria, Higher Cortical Functions; K. H. Pribram and A. R. Luria, eds., The Psycho‐physiology of the Frontal Lobes (New York: Academic Press, 1973); L. Mills and G. B. Rollman, “Hemispheric Assymmetry for Auditory Perception of Temporal Order,” Neuropsychologia 18 (1980): 41‐47; L. Swisher and I. Hirsch, “Brain Damage and the Ordering of Two Temporally Successive Stimuli,” Neuropsychologia 10 (1971): 137–52.
  11. . E.G.D'aquili and C.Laughlin, “The Biopsychological Determinants of Religious Ritual Behavior,” Zygon  10 (March 1975): 32–58.
  12. . W. G. Walter, “Human Frontal Lobe Functions in Sensory‐Motor Association,” in Psychophysiology of the Frontal Lobes, ed. K. H. Pribram and A. R. Luria (New York: Academic Press, 1973).
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  14. . J. W. Papez, “Reticulospinal Tracts in the Cat,” Journal of Comparative Neurology 41 (1926): 365; idem, Comparative Neurology (New York: Hafner, 1961).
  15. . M. Mishkin, “Analogous Neurla Models for Tactual and Visual Learning,” Neuropsychologia 17 (1979): 139‐51; J. Sunshine and M. A, Mishkin, “lA Visual‐Limbic Pathway Serving Visual Associative Functions in Rhesus Monkeys,” Federation Proceedings 34 (1975): 440; B. Jones and M. Mishkin, “Limbic Lesions and the Problem of Stimulus‐Reinforcement Associations,” Explorations on Neurology 36 (1972): 362–77.
  16. . C. Lévi‐Strauss, Structural Anthropology (New York: Anchor Books, 1963).
  17. . M.Grossman, “A Central Processor for Hierarchically‐Structured Material: Evidence from Broca's Aphasia,” Neuropsychologia  18 (1980): 299– 308.
  18. . Lévi‐Strauss, Structural Anthropology; C. Lévi‐Strauss, The Savage Mind (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963); J. Piaget, Structuralism (New York: Basic Books, 1970); O. J. Harvey, D. E. Hunt, and H. M. Schroder, Conceptual System and Personality Organization (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961).
  19. . Lévi‐Strauss, Structural Anthropology; idem, Savage Mind; C. Lévi‐Strauss, Mythologiques: Le Cru et le Cuit (Paris: Plon, 1964).
  20. . Lévi‐Strauss, Structural Anthropology.
  21. . A. F. C. Wallace, Culture and Personality (New York: Random House, 1961).
  22. . Lévi‐Strauss, Structural Anthropology; idem, Mythologigues; C. G.Jung, Psyche and Symbol (New York: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1958); C. G. Jung, “The Psychology of Transference.” in The Practice of Psychotheraphy, Bollingen series 20, 2nd ed. (New York: Pantheon Books, 1966).
  23. . D'aquili And Laughlin (N. 11 Above); D'aquili, “Neurobiological Bases Of Myth” (N. 1 Above).
  24. . T. M.Fieldet al., “Discrimination and Imitation of Facial Expressions by Neonates,” Science  218 (1982): 179– 81.
  25. . G. H. Manley, Ph.D. dissertation on the displays of the Black‐headed Gull, Oxford University, 1960.
  26. . M. W. Schein and E. B. Hale, “Stimuli Eliciting Sexual Behavior,” in Sex and Behavior, ed. F. A. Beach (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965); N. Tinbergen, The Study of Instinct (London: Oxford University Press, 1951); J. S. Rosenblatt, ““Effects of Experience on Sexual Behavior in Male Cats,” in Sex and Behavior, ed. F. A. Beach (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1965).
  27. . Konrad Lorenz, On Aggression (New York: Bantam Books, 1966), p. 72.
  28. . V. J. Walter and W. G. Walter, “The Central Effects on Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation,” Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 1 (1949): 57–85; E. Gellhorn and W. F. Kiely, “Mystical States of Consciouness: Neurophysiological and Clinical Aspects,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 154 (1972): 399‐405; idem, “Autonomic Nervous System in Psychiatric Disorder,” in Biological Psychiatry, ed. J. Mendels (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1973).
  29. . Gellhorn and Kiely, “Mystical States”; idem, “Autonomic Nervous System.”
  30. . Lorenz, On Aggression, p. 72.
  31. . Levy‐Agresti and Sperry (n. 9 above); Trevarthen (n. 9 above).
  32. . B. Lex, “The Neurobiology of Ritual Trance,” in The Spectrum of Ritual: A Biogenetk Structural Analysis, ed. E. G. D'aquili et al. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1979).
  33. . Gellhorn, Principles: Gellhorn and Kiely, “Mystical States”; idem, “Autonomic Nervous System”; R. E. Ornstein, The Psychology of Consciouness (San Francisco: Calif.: W. H. Freeman, 1972).
  34. . A. J. Deikman, “Experimental Meditation,” in Altered States of Consciousness, ed. C. T. Tart (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1969). pp. 208– 9.