The Christian perspective on morality is examined under the rubric of “being like Jesus” and the “Jesus proposal for morality.” The Peace People of Northern Ireland are examples of this proposal. Among the features of Christian moral thinking that are emphasized are: Jesus' concern for the future, the transformation that the future requires, human nature interpreted in terms of how it can undergo transformation, and self‐giving love as the core of this transformation. Attention is given to the ways in which Jesus both radicalized and relativized the moral conventions of his day. Dialogue with sociobology comes into play when Jesus is viewed as a proposal for cultural evolution and a kind of biocultural mutation. Gerd Theissen's scholarship on Jesus' moral perspectives is given special attention.
future, Gerd Theissen, sociobiology, love‐command, self‐giving love, solidarity‐in‐empathy, transformation, Northern Ireland, Jesus, Peace People
How to Cite
Heffner, P., (1999) “Going As Far As We Can Go: The Jesus Proposal For Stretching Genes and Cultures”, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 34(3), 485–500. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/0591-2385.00228
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