IRAS, the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, will have its 66th conference

June 26 to July 3, 2021, at Star Island, NH

Though we cannot yet be certain about the conditions in the Summer of 2021, we look forward to the IRAS conference on Star Island, with the theme initially scheduled for 2020. A great opportunity for intellectual engagement, creative community, and experiences of natural beauty.

What are the consequences of science‐inspired naturalism for religion? In this conference, we will explore and evaluate religious and nonreligious options available to those who take science seriously. Briefly, these might be characterized as replacement, reform, and rejection.

Plenary speakers will be

Owen Flanagan (philosopher, The Boddhisattva's Brain: Buddhism Naturalized);

Ursula Goodenough (biologist, president of the Religious Naturalist Association, The Sacred Depths of Nature);

Sarah Lane Ritchie (theologian, Divine Action and the Human Mind);

James Ungureanu (historian; Science, Religion and the Protestant Tradition: Retracing the Origins of Conflict);

Carol Wayne White (philosophy of religion, Black Lives and Sacred Humanity: Toward an African American Religious Naturalism);

Janet Newton (chapel speaker);

Willem B. Drees (past‐editor of Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science; conference co‐chair);

Barbara Whittaker‐Johns (co‐chair for the program).

Proposals for panels and short papers on the topic or on other facets of interactions between religion and science interactions are invited; deadline December 10, 2020 (if you see this later, please approach conference co‐chair Wim B. Drees via to see whether there are still possibilities). For more information, see the website .